Journal | Journal
Among its manifold contributions, is an interdisciplinary bi-annual journal in social sciences, which ISEC started in 1998. The Journal of Social and Economic Development, is now in its third year of publication. The journal is not intended to be an outlet for the publication of the research findings of the faculty. Papers are invited from all social scientists and are published after a proper refereeing. The editorial committee of the journal comprises eminent social scientists. The subscription to the journal has been growing steadily, and currently there are about 150 subscriptions within and outside the country. Beginning 2001, we propose to have special issues of the journal dedicated to specific themes so as to generate debate and concern pertaining to critical issues in economy, society and polity.
Journal of Social and Econmic Development is published biannually, in January and July each year. Annual subscription (two issues) is as follows:
Subscription Cheques/Bank Drafts drawn in favour of the Registrar, Institute for Social and Economic Change, should be sent to The Editor
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