this theme we propose to discuss the magnitude and nature of
inter-group inequality in social development, namely educational
attainment, health status and housing.
In education, the papers will
bring out inter-group inequality in education attainment at school and
higher education level, group inequality in dropout rate, and in
quality of education. The emerging issues of discrimination in schools
and higher education institutions and their impact on academic
performance and dropout rates will also be discussed in some detail.
The papers will examine the reasons for group inequality in education
attainment and dropout rates as also access to quality education
including the role of discrimination in low access and high dropout
rates among the SCs and STs. The issue of unequal access to poor and
the SC/ST/women/minorities due to privatization of higher education
institutions (HEIs) will also be discussed. The papers will then
evaluate the policies for school and higher education, including the
New Education policy, 2020.
The role of reservation policy in HEIs and
its impact and limitations will also be taken up. In the housing
sector, the issue of intergroup inequality in the quality of housing,
bad and good housing, and slum housing will be discussed. The papers
will also discuss the consequences of poor housing on the health and
social life of the people living in bad houses and slums. The focus of
the discussion will be on reasons for inequality in access to houses
across caste, tribes, and religion. Among the causative factors there
will be particular focus on discrimination in allocation of land for
houses and in obtaining rented accommodation. The papers will also
look into the persisting problem of residential segregation of
Scheduled castes in rural areas, and the policies for housing for poor
and discriminated groups.
In the health sector, the papers will
examine inter-group inequality in health status with respect to caste,
tribes, women and religion. The discussion would cover the health
dimension at overall level and for children and women with focus on
food security and nutrition, mortality, anaemia, and life expectancy,
and other aspects. The panelists will also examine the economic and
social reasons for group inequality in health status.
The neglected
issue of discrimination in accessing health services and nutrition
facilities in anganwadis, mid-day meal schemes and other food security
and nutrition schemes both in public and private sector will be
discussed. The papers will also make an assessment of the policies to
improve the health status of the marginalised groups and explore ways
to ensure non-discriminatory access to health services.
theme will also run on all the three days of the conference through
parallel sessions. It is expected to have about 12 parallel sessions
(three sessions each for education, health and housing) and about
three Keynote addresses and special lectures pertaining to the